Monday, March 14, 2011

A weekend in Rome

I was in Rome in Italy this weekend. It is a three hour flight from where I live and it is amazing what a bit difference it makes. The spring was in full bloom there, at least to our standards. I somehow believe the romans still considered it to be winter because they were wearing winter jackets and scarfs, while we were in out cardigans. 

It is such a nice city with a lot of small streets and amazing monuments.

The Vatican city below. We have been in Rome before, so we did not visit any of the tourist attractions this time, but merely enjoyed the sunshine.

This monument for Vittorio Emmanuele is amazing, and so much bigger than it seems on the picture. Unfortunately I have forgotten it's history, so for this time all I did was to enjoy the beauty of it.

I sometimes enjoy a second visit to a place more than the first visit, because at that second visit there is not the same stress of doing and seeing every "must", but rather time to just relax and enjoy. I often think that if I get to a place twice, that means I might be back a third time (or more) and so the remaining "musts" could be saved for the future.

But I also have to say that what I love most about Italy is really the food. They really are passionate about food and there is good food and amazing coffee or ice-cream to be had at every corner.

Pizza sold by the weight. So unbelievably different from the pre-made stuff they sell in most other countries. 

Still, there is one place in Rome that has captured my heart more than everything else. I will show you that tomorrow, but this is the entrance.


  1. Your pictures are beautiful! I spent my honeymoon in Rome, and I definitely want to go back. Sounds like you had a good time!

  2. We had a really good time, and I would have loved to stay longer. It is one of those cities where there always seems to be something new to discover.

  3. Ok, how jealous am I that you are only a 3 hour flight from Rome?! It's about a 12 hour flight from here (Florida; not that there is usually a direct flight from my city). Gorgeous pictures, and the one of that pizza makes me so hungry!


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