Monday, March 21, 2011

A relaxing weekend for some

This weekend has gone by really fast. I made some nice finds in the thrift store on friday, and a small bench that I want to paint, but never found the time for.

My fiancee, who I usually refer to as Darling in this blog, played in the church this Saturday, and he spent most of the day rehearshing for this. Our female cat is quite fond of his music and she was on the table while he played. 

Yesterday we spent the whole day creating our wedding invitations. I guess they turned out alright in the end, but it has been kind of a nightmare. I always thought they would be the funniest part, but for some reason we never managed to settle on a design and kept postponing it, which gave us even less time to have something printed and the more we waited the higher expectations we got, thus requirering something even better all the time.

In the end we settled for home made ones, and I think they are fine enough. I accidentally forgot to upload the pictures, but I will do so tomorrow.

As you may see in the picture, the weather has been fantastic. In spite of the snow on friday, I think spring is finally coming this way!


  1. Such a cute kitty! Can't wait to see your invites

  2. Wedding planning can be stressful but it's so worth it to have everything just the way you want it on that special day! Can't wait to see the invitations! Your cat is adorable, I adopted one years ago that looked exactly like yours, his name was Bugger and he was the sweetest cat.

  3. Thank you... yes, she is really cute. But not very affectionate, she definitely tend to keep to herself.


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