Monday, April 11, 2011

It's growing!

It's growing! My plants have grown so much in only two weeks that I had to re-plant (is that a word?) several of them this weekend. 

The biggest problem is always how to put them so that they get enough sunlight, and at the same time avoiding all surfaces that could be damaged by the water. I solved it by putting a big glass table top (that belongs to another table) on top of a small side table and then the pots on top of this. I hope it will work and that none of the cats will jump on top of it.

And speaking of them, our grey cat is really fond of water and was downright angry at me when I refused to let her drink from my watering can because there was fertilizer in the water. She was definitely offended.

(And I know fertilizers are not always good, but the growing season is so short here that if I do not give the plants something extra they will never be big enough to give any fruit during the summer.)

I really cant wait for all this to be flowers and vegetables. The green beans and the zuccini are leading at this stage, with some flower as close second. 

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