Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The kitchen, part one

I am having some trouble deciding when and how to post about our projects. Since we have lived in the house for two and a half year, a lot of things have already been changed and almost all walls have been painted.

However, there is one thing that remained unchanged until only a month ago and that was the kitchen. I have to admit I really didnt like it (you can see the before pictures here) but for some reason I felt that it would be to expensive to change the doors. I thought about painting them, but everybody advised me against it, so in the end it just stayed there - a soar spot to my eye.

Until some day a couple of month ago, when I was at IKEA and suddenly decided to buy a cabinet door to see if it would fit. It did! And from then there was no going back.

The new doors are STÅT, and there is an embarassing story to this where I suddenly changed my mind and decided that ÄDEL would be better, packed it all into the car, went to the stor and changed in, only to come home and realize that ÄDEL was definitely not good. Thank you IKEA for your lovely return policy (I went back and got my first doors back) and a good lesson to me that I should take me time before I decide on something.


Change of plans? Or?

Finally (almost) ready.

Stay tuned to see where this will end.

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